Local Emergency Alerts


Please also be aware of the following Emergency services in Spain

Spain has three emergency services: the police (policía), the fire brigade (cuerpo de bomberos), and the ambulance service (ambulancía).

You can contact the emergency services in Spain by calling the pan-European emergency number (112) from any telephone. When you call 112, the operator diverts you to the relevant emergency service. The individual emergency services are also available at the following numbers:

  • Ambulance: 061

  • Fire brigade: 080

  • National police: 091

  • Local police: 092

For more info visit Expatica


*If you see a fire and can see it is an emergency, please call 112 for the Emergency Services.

*If you see smoke or the glow from a fire, please call 062 for the Guardia Civil. Most of them speak a bit of English and they can go and check it out and call the Emergency Services, if necessary. They can also fine people for having illegal bonfires and BBQs.

Emergency Information Alerts in English for Residents & Tourists on Social media.

One of a network of very successful groups now covering a large part of Spain and its English speaking community. The EiA, as we like to be known, is the only group of its type covering all emergency threats dedicated to this very unique region offering the ability for its members to post information on emergency situations that are likely to affect themselves and other members personal safety. This regional group allows members to post important safety information that arises as the event happens for other members to be warned, to join in and offer their own input. The group covers anything that can be regarded as important information for its members whether it be travel disruption, bad weather, wild fire, crime, missing persons, earthquakes etc. The group also focuses on pre-warnings and forecasting of possible threatening events such as weather, heavy traffic movement, wild fire threat levels etc.

Wildfire Watch Andalucia

A fantastic, well run app with live updates