Emergency Contacts


Emergency services in Spain

Spain has three emergency services: the police (policía), the fire brigade (cuerpo de bomberos), and the ambulance service (ambulancía).

You can contact the emergency services in Spain by calling the pan-European emergency number (112) from any telephone. When you call 112, the operator diverts you to the relevant emergency service. The individual emergency services are also available at the following numbers:

  • Ambulance: 061

  • Fire brigade: 080

  • National police: 091

  • Local police: 092

For more info visit Expatica

Dental NaturalDENT

Located Coín (Málaga), at Avda. Rey Juan Carlos, 65. Vistaferia Building (opposite the HEALTH CENTER)

Request an appointment by calling 952 45 22 46 or 656 81 80 27



There is an app called salud responde. This is the local doctors. It will give you the option of what doctors you have in your area and sign you up with them when you type in your medical number etc. - when you have your social security number / a medical, you can use the app to make appointments etc.

Coin Health Centre (Centro de Salud)

Open 24/7. Tel 00 34 951 504 601 (general), tel 0034 902 952 452 550 (appointments), 00 34 902505061 (emergencies)

More info